Tunnels of Doom: The Music
by Hank Mishkoff

In 1982, I wrote a simple tune that was used in a videogame
called Tunnels of Doom. The screenshot below is from the game.
Click on the arrow below the screenshot to hear the music I wrote.
(Note that the Flash player I used is becoming obsolete, sorry.)

Click on the arrow to start the music.
Music by Hank Mishkoff

In 2008, Howard Kistler revised the game into a modern version that
he called Tunnels of Doom Reboot. And German composer Frank Scheffel
took my simple tune and converted it into something powerful and majestic.
The screenshot below is from the new version of the game. Click on the arrow
below the screenshot to hear the amazing things Frank did with my simple tune.
(Note that the Flash player I used is becoming obsolete, sorry.)

Click on the arrow to start the music.
Music by Frank "Skyrunner" Scheffel

And here's a clever variation of the theme,
charmingly created by Music Box Rox in 2020.

Navigation by WebRing.