Update: 05/12/95 07:20 AM

Still Here

Just a quick note to let you know that I'm still here!

I hadn't really planned to take any time off, but it was an incredible relief when I finally got everything to work, and I guess I've been celebrating. But even though I don't expect to encounter anything quite as, well, dramatic as what I went through setting up my ISDN line, I do plan to continue to document my experiences until the webserver is fully functional.

BTW, I'm maintaining these same pages on my new webserver; you can see them at http://www.webfeats.com/ (note that the server is not running all the time, and won't be until next week).

First Subscriber

I got my first subscriber yesterday!

Well, sort of. I've offered free test accounts to several people, and the first one took me up on it yesterday. She hasn't actually set anything up on the webserver yet, but it's still nice to actually have a subscriber, free or otherwise. And it's just as well that it's a free account; I'm having some trouble finding a bank that will process credit card transactions for me <grumble, grumble>.

Netscape Beta

I've confirmed that Netscape is beta-testing the NT version of Netsite, their webserver software. I've just installed the beta of WebSite, O'Reilly's webserver, and I don't really know enough about it yet to tell you what I think of it; but at a glance, it seems quite powerful (and pretty friendly at the same time). But still, I'd love to get my hands on Netsite. Unfortunately, so would everybody else, and Netscape is limiting the distribution of beta copies (unlike O'Reilly, who's been giving a beta copy to anyone with a pulse). I've sent in several requests, and haven't received a response. I'll let you know how it works out.

And, for the record, I do have at least one other option that I know of: Purveyor, an NT-based webserver from Process Software, has been on the market for a couple of months. I know this because someone from Process noticed these web pages and turned my name over to their sales department; a Process salesperson called me to try to get me to try Purveyor. It's a $2000 product (as opposed to $500 for WebSite), and I don't see any real reason to switch right now. So, why can't people call me and offer to give me something for free, instead of trying to sell me something <g>? Just a suggestion...

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Hank Mishkoff (hank@webfeats.com)