
My Visit To

October 11, 1999: Krakow
Wawel Cathedral 1600x1200 (418 KB)

Because I have a plane to catch this afternoon, today's going to be a short day for my tourist activities. I've decided to concentrate on tracking down and visiting the Myszkowski Chapel, just because of its name, which happens to be same as the surname adopted by my ancestors when they lived here in Poland. It's more than unlikely that my family had any relation to the family for whom the chapel is named – but I have to do something this morning, and searching for the Myszkowski chapel strikes me as a good an excuse as any to explore some areas of Krakow that I have not yet visited.

The people at the front desk aren't certain, but they think that the Myszkowski Chapel is located in the Wawel Cathedral. So that's where I'm heading when I leave the hotel this morning.

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