Coming Attractions

Here's a list of the features we're planning to add, and the projected dates when we expect each of them to be in place.


WebFeats' forms-processing capability is now available!

Image Maps

WebFeats' image map support is now available!

Access Counters

WebFeats now features two different types of access counters!


WebFeats' indexing and searching capabilities are now available!


WebFeats' access reports are now available!

Personalized Domain Names

WebFeats now offers personalized domain names (commercial accounts only)!

Other: ??/??/??

We're committed to implementing the features that our subscribers need. Do you want to use a capability that you don't see here on our schedule? Let us know, and we'll look into it. We can't promise to be all things to all people, but we can promise to do our best to make WebFeats as responsive as possible to the wishes of our subscribers.

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WebFeats (
Voice: (972)931-5421
Fax: (972)733-0629